Indoor Beach
Volleyball Leagues
Current League Sign Ups
Winter 2024
(Jan 6th – March 14th)
Fours (modays)
Elite (full)
- Emma’s Angels (eric)
- That’s What She Sets (Kyle)
- Heath Dugas – Berkshire Hathaway (Chris)
- Dig Deep (Brendan)
- Free Balln’ (Jenny)
A (full)
- Set Level Midnight (Mitchell)
- Neros’s Heroes (Logan)
- Old Man Volleyball (Stephen)
- Net Ninjas (Aaron)
- Sand Pandas (Jessica)
- Pepper, I Hardly Know Her
- Dock 9 Diggers (Greg – A)
- THe Drunken Pirates (Eric)
- Adriana’s Team (Adriana)
B (Full)
- Brinkos (Leah)
- Right Where We Wante ‘Em (Cathy)
- Sandaholics (Paul)
- Medina Sod (Brendan)
- Serving Qunt (Laura)
- Serves You Right (Jacob)
- Mac Attack (Alex)
- Jones’ Set al (Ethan)
- Good Touchers (Tom)
- Shayne’s Fake Agile Army (Shayne)
Fours (Tuesdays)
B (full)
- Trash Rats (Timothy)
- Pfree Ballin’ (Mitchell)
- J-Squad (John)
- Electric Goat (Chris)
Fours (Thursdays)
A (full)
- Diggin’ Degenrates (Melissa)
- Fluffer Nutters (Edward)
- Hot Karls (Justin)
- Ben & The Beaches (Jenny)
- noodles (Madison)
- Justin’s andn Co. (Justin)
B (full)
- Title Waves (Cathy)
- Bikini Bottom Bumpers
- Something About Volleyball (Marcin)
- Bs (Andrea)
- Hit For Brains (Arthur)
- Volleyfasaaah RELOADED (Zach)
*If there is a wait list, please still sign up to hold a spot. We are trying to have multiple levels of divisions to increase fun of play. But if we do not fill up a level we will throttle other division up accordingly.
Open (wed) (one spot left)
- Kiki / Kelsey
- Amanda / Ally
- Alyssa / Jocelyn
- LeAnne / Christine
- Amy / Haley
AA (Tues) (full)
- Julie / Remi
- Paola / Lindsay
- Crystal / Holly
- Liz / Dani
- Emma / Anna
A (Tues) (full)
- Erin / Maddie
- Heather / Corin
- Abby / Shayla
- Evalyn / Lyra
*If there is a wait list, please still sign up to hold a spot. We are trying to have multiple levels of divisions to increase fun of play. But if we do not fill up a level we will throttle other division up accordingly.
*if listed as multiple division, will split if get enough in each
Open (wed) (full)
- Jon / Pete
- Drew / Max
- Alex / Colin
- Jeff / TBD
- Randy / Bob
- Jim / Brik
- Earl / Matt
- Oscar / Tyler
AA / A (wed) (full)
- Logan / Mark
- Abram / Sean
- Mitchell / Eric
- Will / Sully
- Ben / Alec
- Justin / Richie
- Greg / Carlos
- Billy / Will
- Sloan / Adam (A)
- Rob / Ben
Mark / Chris
*If there is a wait list, please still sign up to hold a spot. We are trying to have multiple levels of divisions to increase fun of play. But if we do not fill up a level we will throttle other division up accordingly.
*if listed as multiple division, will split if get enough in each
Open (Thurs) (full)
- Bob / Meg
- Kelsey / Alex
- Jeff / Katie
- Amanda / Earl
- Max / Leah
- Matt / LeAnne
- Conde / Jim
- Niki / TBD
- Kiki / TBD
- Marissa / Josh
A A (Tues) (full)
- Eric / Marissa
- Emma / Justin
- Logan / Liz
- Richard / Anna
A (Tues) (full)
- Abram / Katie
- Katie / Matthew
- Bonnie / Jason
- Timothy / TBD
- Chloe / Mark
- Kiki / Nick
- Britteny / Jovan
*If there is a wait list, please still sign up to hold a spot. We are trying to have multiple levels of divisions to increase fun of play. But if we do not fill up a level we will throttle other division up accordingly.
*if listed as multiple division, will split if get enough in each
- Courtney Wojick
- Ashley Leischner
- Erica Gee
- Christian Ratliff
- Kiersten Galloway
- Lori Gennotti
- Paul Mayer
Advance Beach Tactics (2s & 4s)
- Emma Shipley
- Justin Longton

Lots Of Leagues



Minimum of 8 weeks per session

75 Min Court Time
75 min of court time per match. End early? Keep Playing!

Find Your Beach Crew!
Connect, play, and thrive with a sunny, welcoming community.

Fours Beach Volleyball Leagues
The Sandbox offers 4s volleyball. Get a group together and join us for a fun evening in our indoor beach. Mondays and Thursdays we have 4s. Get beach bragging rights and fantastic prizes join our leagues. All Fours and Sixes are Mixed leagues, so no requirement on number of men or women per team.
- Sessions will be 8 to 10 weeks
- Division Sizes will be based on league sign ups
- Mixed 4s ($400)
Four 1.25 hour time slots between 5:30pm and 10:30pm
*taxes and fees included
Doubles Beach Volleyball Leagues
Looking to take your beach volleyball skills to the next level. Join one of our doubles leagues. Competitive beach volleyball that will improve your ability and give you a great workout. We have Mens, Womens and Coed. Coed must have one male and one female.
- Sessions will be 8 - 10 Weeks
- Division Sizes will be based on league sign ups
- Womens 2s ($260)
- Mens 2s ($260)
- Coed 2s ($260)
Four 1.25 hour time slots between 5:30pm and 10:30pm / Days subject to change based on signups
*taxes and fees included

Developmental League
The Sandbox biggest goal is to grow the sport of beach volleyball. We are offering a developmental league to achieve that purpose. It will be a fun relaxing time while also being very informative. If you are new to volleyball, looking to get the rust off, or just wanting to meet a new great group of people sign up! Enjoy the beach all year long with The Sandbox and develop your volleyball game.
- Sundays 12pm - 2pm
- Develop beach volleyball skills and techniques
- Proper practice and drills
- Mini clinics
- Learn the ropes of league play
- Meet new people, meet potential volleyball partners!
- Tournament crash course (how to sign up, common tournament rules, how to ref and keep score)
- Learn beach 6s, 4s and 2s and discover what suites you best.
- $160 Per Person
- Sessions will be 8 to 10 weeks
Have Fun & Win Prizes
Sign up your team now to win prizes and gain bragging rights.