Development League
Below is a sample of emails development league players get before each class. Each week brings new Goals & Focuses. Please join us to learn the game of Beach Volleyball and have a great experience doing so.
Development league this Sunday…
Here’s a breakdown of the goals for the day and what you should try to get out of it.
1v1 warm up – cooperative & competitive
A good way to warm up the legs and arms while still getting live touches. Over focus on the up and down control to get all three touches (will explain during if new). Best way to learn control and rhythm of the double game.
Game play evaluation –
A short session of just some different games (1v1, 2v2, 4v4, ect) to get a gauge of new players levels and where others have left off.
Moving without the ball –
The Hardest part of beach is being in the right place for success. Must learn where and how to move before the ball gets attacked and also where to move while your partner is controlling the ball. Will have different mini games for different skill levels.
Coached Game Play with a focused skill –
Will play some touch intensive gameplay. Where teams will get multiple touches in a row to practice todays focused skill. Teams (players) will get rewarded for winning points but will also get even more reward for executing the Focused Skill during game play. I’m sure you guessed it, you will get extra points for Moving Without The Ball properly.
Excited to get started tomorrow. See you in the sand!
—Jon Mihalko
The Sandbox